Sun 26 Jan
Want Out? National Free Help 24/7: 1-800-551-1300
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Sat 11 Jan
Friend with Benefits and a Married Mans Best Kept Secret! - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, In town, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
!@ In Town In morning to add SoMe SUNSHINE into your LiFe!@ ThurSday AfterNoon!@ - 19
(wausau and surrounding area)
~ Ebony Playmate Arrivng @ 2pm.... Hosting 2 Cities 50 miles out.... - 19
(stevens point/ marshfield/stratford/)
sexy bbw $pecials by appt only Military and cdl discounts LET ME BECOME YOUR NEW FAVORITE - 31
(Wausau, rapids/point)
Its exactly what you need!
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
€*¿Sexy_____ TopNotch_____ BOMBSHELL ¿*€ 100 specials all day - 22
(Wausau, Wausau surrounding areas)
Fri 10 Jan
$$$$ 100 $$$$ DoLLar $$$$ SpEcIaLs $$$$ TiMe LiMiTeD.... - 25
(Wausau, Incall/outcall wasau surrounding) in town and availability in open:-) - 24
(Wausau, wausau, Stevens point, fondulac, and mar)
ms.roxi allday specials sweet n sexy get your money worth ummmm - 21
(Wausau, Stevens point merrill n surrounding area)
Thu 09 Jan
I want to be your girl tonight
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, anywhere you want me!)
🍭Don't miss this tasty treat🎀 Addicting 🍭 Kinky 💦 Juicy ✨ - 29
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Green Bay, Kenosha / Racine, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Exotic white girl ****** new to the scene and ready to scream **** - 23
(Wausau, downtownarea/Rothschild/Schofield)
SPECIALS Y 0 U R # 1 C H O I CE ——:¦:•S T O P & T A K E ——A——:¦:•L•O • O • K•:¦: ———(( NEW IN TOWN)) - 19
(Wausau, your place or mines)
Get ready for love in 10 min!! - 23
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, Donetska)
`'•.¸ ★¸. •(*S* -W- *E* -E- *-T-) 💜 (*A* -N- *D*) 💜 (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *.¸ ★¸. •'´ - 20
_____* * * * T H E »- (¯`❈´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E * * *SPECIALS*** - 23
(Wausau, wausau and surrounding)
Let Me MAKE YOUR BEAT Independent â Beauty
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, hotel room)
*•❤•*★ Thick Curvy ★ SPECIALS ★ Tasty Treat Yourself ★ *•❤• * - 21
Wed 08 Jan
💕 All you can handle and then some! 💕
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, everywhere, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Let Me Relieve Your Hard Times!!! (100% Gauranteed Satisfaction) 9808190064 - 25
(Wausau, incall/outcall)
*^*♡*^* Looking For The Girl Next Door *^*♥*^* Look No Further I'm Right Here *^*♡*^* AVAILABLE NOW - 24
(Wausau, Rib Mountain Schofield Weston Mosinee)